Newsletter (Enero de 2010)

Comparto la entrega del Newsletter de, de enero de 2010.

En él se recogen las nuevas publicaciones de la Comisión Europea, así como Convocatorias de propuestas para el 2010, junto con el proyecto del mes, agenda de eventos y esta recopilación de artícu
los, acontecimientos y convocatorias abiertas:

Dr. Tony Bates is a keynote speaker, much in demand, who has worked in more than 40 countries specialising in the strategic use of elearning in higher education. Silvia–Adriana Tomescu interviewed...
The main issues that were addressed in this study concerned the characteristics of educational monitoring, policy concerns regarding the introduction and use of ICT in education, indicator needs and...
The aim of the study was to investigate the impact on language learning of ICT and new media, as a complement to ‘traditional’, face-to-face learning and teaching within – and beyond – the...
Inspire (Innovative Science Pedagogy in Research and Education) aimed to develop and experiment new teaching methods in the field of maths, science and technology (MST). This report describes the...
This practical handbook provides a summary of key initiatives, market leaders and large-scale providers in the different regions of the world presented on a broad region by region basis and refers to...
The foresight activity, binding together ongoing results of desk and field research and consultation, finds its methodological tool in a DELPHI survey aimed at testing consensus and broadening vision...
The annual Horizon Report describes the continuing work of the NMC’s Horizon Project, a research-oriented effort that seeks to identify and describe emerging technologies likely to have...
The SAEL guide provides recommendations, examples of websites and good practices for setting up, improving and running support websites for language teachers....
Passend zum aktuellen Themenspecial von ist das E-Learning Dossier Ausgabe 2009/06 erschienen mit dem Titel "E-Learning aus Sicht der Studierenden. Befragungen – Statistiken –...
La pubblicazione che descrive in modo approfondito e articolato il nostro sistema educativo....
The purpose of this report is to inform and provide strategic guidance for education policy co-operation at European level. The report sets out progress towards the objectives agreed by the Council....


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